Extract the missing data…
Recover deleted data…
License A16118
& Data Recovery
& Digital Forensics
& Data Recovery
& Digital Justice
Recover deleted data…
License A16118
Digital video recorders are devices that record video into a digital format on a disk drive. That drive can be forensically imaged and investigated just the same as one from a computer. Different forensic software is used to do the forensic processing and analysis. This software will allow Exhibit A CFI investigators to view extracted evidence as small clip videos sorted by date and by camera. This will allow us to find the information required to help make your case.
DVRs are becoming more and more commonplace in litigation and investigations and Exhibit A Computer Forensics is available to help.
Data preservation is crucial to a case. Having someone not familiar with digital forensic practices can destroy or overwrite data that could be critical. Our team can forensically extract the data in a way that ensures it will be preserved properly and be available for investigation. If DVR video footage is involved in your lawsuit, chances are it will be a critical component of your claim or defense. Its very compelling for jurors to watch the scene play out on screen.
The technology and features of DVRs are constantly changing and advancing. If your case or investigation involves DVR footage, it is critical that you have a DVR forensics expert who keeps abreast of these continuous developments in DVR technology, and who understands how they impact a digital forensic investigation and analysis. Exhibit A Computer Forensics has the tools, skills and expertise to handle virtually any form of DVR technology and virtually any DVR-related issue.
Video evidence can be the most compelling evidence in any civil or criminal case. What happens when the evidence was tampered with or destroyed? Fortunately, Exhibit A Computer Forensics specializes in data recovery and can recover damaged video files that help prove your claims and case. Criminals are no match for our advanced digital video recording evidence.
It’s important to turn off the device immediately. Why should you turn the device off immediately? Most DVR devices continually record which means information can be overwritten. When it is overwritten, it is impossible to retrieve the original information. For the best chance to have the evidence, turn the device off and call Exhibit A Computer Forensics immediately to ensure proper preservation.
Exhibit A Computer Forensics provides a free phone consultation, however, if you have the information related to the incident readily available. Our pricing regardless of the case starts with a $1500 retainer to cover the first six hours, then, $250 per hour after.
DVR Forensic Recovery takes a specific set of skills, certifications, and software for proper analyzation and reporting. At Exhibit A Computer Forensics we use advanced technology to make the analyzation process fast. We also will ensure that your data is preserved and not damaged to help verify and authenticate any video evidence.
Exhibit A Computer Forensics has handled cases involving DVRs or other video footage. Don’t risk such an important project with an inferior forensics company. If you have a DVR that may need DVR evidence preserved then give us a call at 877-445-5362 or email us at forensics@exhibitAcfi.com.