Exhibit A CFI has assisted in multiple types of Individual Cases including:
- Cell Phone Peace of Mind Examinations
- Cell Phone Use at Time of Accident Investigations
- Cell Tower Mapping
- Divorce / Family Law Investigations
- Employment Law / Wrongful Termination Lawsuits
- Hacked Cell Phone / Cyber Stalking Investigations
- Hacked Computer Investigations
- Medical Malpractice
- Sexual Harassment Victim
- Spoliation (Destruction) of Electronic Evidence
Actual Case Examples:

Divorce Computer Forensics Investigation – Divorce is a sensitive and emotional process. In a family law case, social media evidence and Electronically Stored Information (ESI) may be critical. For example, financial information regarding income, martial property, and debt may all be stored electronically. In other cases, valuable evidence concerning child custody may be found in social media. In one case, we located financial assets the husband had hidden. In a different case, we located text messages and online social media posts that proved infidelity. We have also shown proof of electronic evidence destruction by a party during a divorce proceeding that resulted in a very positive outcome for our client.

Sexual Harassment Victim – Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature, according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). It also can include offensive remarks about a person’s gender. Sexual harassment is considered illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile work environment or adversely affects the victim’s job, such as being fired or demoted. Our client was able to find justice after we located incriminating emails, text messages, photos, and voicemail messages on her boss’s computer and cell phone that confirmed her allegations.

Hacked Cell Phone Forensics Investigation –

Cell Tower Mapping Forensics –

Wrongful Termination Investigation – If you’ve been fired from your job, how do you know if it was a wrongful termination? Most employment is “at-will,” which means an employee may be fired at any time and for any reason (as long as the reason is legal) or for no reason at all. But there are some important exceptions to the “at-will” rule that may help you keep your job or sue your former employer for wrongful termination including: Written Promises, Implied Promises, Breaches of Good Faith and Fair Dealing, Violations of Public Policy, Discrimination, Retaliation, Fraud, Defamation, and Whistle-Blowing Violations. We assisted a client who had been wrongfully terminated in a case of “Age Discrimination.” We located email messages between senior management discussing a plan to force the employee out of the company. Additionally, on the managers’ computers, we discovered backdated Microsoft Word documents that attempted to show a pattern of progressive discipline against the employee, that was not genuine.

Cell Phone Forensics Peace of Mind –

Hacked Computer Investigation –

Cell Phone Repair Prior to Investigation –